CONSTRUCTION project management software

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Accelerate your critical path to project success

Effortlessly navigate project intricacies through one intuitive platform!

Automated critical path analysis in minutes

LWARE Logic+ conducts critical path analysis in minutes using advanced algorithms. It processes scenarios and multiple files from various project management software applications including Primavera P6, Microsoft Project and Asta.

Simplify complex project data with unbiased analysis

In addition to critical path analysis, LWARE Logic+ also gives you clear, unbiased audit trails and delay event analysis, aiding in dispute resolution by revealing dependent tasks, critical paths, and resource constraints, with realistic project completion dates.

Enhanced project connectivity

LWARE Logic+ offers access to Primavera, Microsoft Project and Asta Power Project schedule files without the need for associated or additional licenses. This enables company-wide access anywhere, anytime driving efficiency, improved communication and collaboration, risk management and overall project efficiency.

Accurate delay analysis

LWARE Logic+ allows users to select and analyse critical activities from multiple schedule files, crucial for precise delay analysis. By simplifying and accelerating critical path schedule analysis, LWARE Logic+ aids project managers to accurately determine delays and their impacts, without needing to access their planner’s software.

Dispute resolution and claims

LWARE Logic+ aids with claim and dispute resolution by giving clear visibility into dependent tasks, critical paths, and resource constraints, helping to determine manageable and realistic project milestones. By analysing task durations and resource constraints, a clear link between delays and incurred costs can be established, facilitating stronger claims and negotiations.

Unlock significant time and cost savings

Enhancing your team's proficiency in reading construction programs and schedules can significantly impact the success of your projects and streamline the contractual administration process. LWARE Logic+ enables access to advanced project files through one easy platform without the need of multiple licenses or additional planners.

Connect with LWARE Logic+

LWARE Logic+ was developed by our commercial construction and infrastructure project consultants at Lewis Woolcott

Trusted by leaders in infrastructure and construction

LWARE Logic+, power your project planning

Powerful, accurate, reliable critical path analysis tool

With LWARE Logic+, project managers, can calculate their project’s critical path in mere minutes. Drawing from every input element of your project. And documenting every step. LWARE Logic+ doesn’t just rely on logic. It uses logic, plus 28 other attributes, for faster, more accurate insights, transcending conventional project management software. Saving you weeks to months in analysis, whilst reducing error and providing incredible foresight plus insight.

Lewis Woolcott Risk Management

LWARE Logic+ enterprise solutions

We offer several enterprise-level solutions tailored to your project requirements and team needs and implemented quickly. For more information or to request a quote, please contact us.

Explore how LWARE Logic+ can fast track your CPM analysis today

Discover what LWARE Logic+ can do for your projects

Complete the form below, and one of our team will get in touch with you to organise your obligation-free, 30-minute demo (face-to-face or virtual).

Or call us on +61 7 3155 3565

News & articles

Mar 04 2025

Navigating the unknown: The importance of risk management in large-scale projects

Understanding the unknowns “There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there…
May 21 2024

Critical path clarity in project management

LWARE Logic+ revolutionises critical path calculations. The construction and infrastructure industries face a common challenge: while professional planning software like Primavera P6 and Asta are excellent at capturing and managing data, they fall short…
